
(It seems trite to say ‘there’s so much to catch up on’ since I haven’t published on this blog in a minute. But there is a lot. Moves, faith transitions, two novels in the works, both kids in school, a new dog, etc. But I’m going to start today and move forward. I have personal journals for the other things.)

Today is the 1st of February, a day known in pagan traditions as “Imbolc” or the “Feast of Saint Brigid”. While learning more about this day, I discovered that Brigid (or Bride) is a patron saint of writers and poets, and also of fire. I feel a particular affinity for her for these reasons. I am a writer, and need more creative fire and focus in my life right now.

Yesterday I went up into the mountains with my dog and gathered dry, fallen branches from the ground- juniper, hazel, pine, aspen. I let them dry out a little more in my mud room overnight, and today crafted an Imbolc symbol from them. I knotted the branches together with intentions as I tied them with string, and attached wishes. I smudged our home, as well, since today is also a new moon; a perfect time for setting intentions.

I met with my local writer’s group for the first time today and set accountability goals, one of which is to post on my blog more often. It will hopefully get me to the computer so it’s an easier jumping off point for working on my novels (“Oh, I’m already here. Might as well open that document and get my word count in…”).

So there it is.

Writing. Intention. Fire. Magic.